So at last we see McDowell and the PDs for what they really are. And despite all his guff, democracy is not one of their interests. Neither himself nor Mary Harney seem to realise the enormity of what they have done. This is indeed the arrogance of office.
It buggers belief that a Minister of Justice can not only use the privilege of the Dail to comdemn someone of a crime for which he has never been charged, but also compound this by leaking Garda documents from a criminal investigation to a newspaper to further this campaign of vilification. And this is the same minister who last year brought in measure (5 years in jail) to stop Gardai leaking to the press.
And surely we must note that the CPI (McDowell’s victim’s organisation) was taking an interest in the obscenely expensive acquisition by McDowell’s department of land in North Dublin for the building of a prison.
He should of course resign but in this Celtic Tigerland ruled by builders and barristers, this is unlikely to happen.
It remains for the media to continue to shine a light on this murky business but of course the Independent Group are hopelessly compromised so the usual suspects will have to carry the load – Fintan O’Toole, Vincent Browne, and liberals like David Norris. Fair dos to Dunphy on Newstalk for devoting nearly an hour to the story this morning.