(1) The haunted look on the faces of Anton Oliver and Dan Carter as they stood on the sideline watching the New Zealand train come off the rails against France.
(2) The grace and power of Victor Matfield as he soared above every other second-row in the tournament.
(3) The pursed mouth and hostile demeanour of Eddie O'Sullivan as he was questioned by Sinead Kissane after Ireland's defeat by Argentina.
(4) Felipe Contemponi pinching a discomfited O'Gara on the cheek as he passed by after another Argentinian score. A real Latin provocation.
(5) The theatrically fearsome Chabal taking time to play with an opponent's baby just after the 3rd place defeat by Argentina.
(6) Hernandez flying fearlessly through the air to field one of his garryowens.
(7) The Argentinian team bursting with patriotism as their national anthem was played.