Monday, June 12, 2023

Shall I Compare Thee to a Small Tuscan City

Travel certainly broadens the mind and can make you aware of how fucked up some things are at home. On a recent trip to Tuscany I flew in to the small city of Pisa (pop. 90,000). Straight out of Arrivals I was able to get a clean, fast, modern, shuttle train service to the main station in the centre of the city: a hub for onward travel to Lucca, Florence etc. It cost 2 euro. On arrival back in Dublin it’s retrieve your car from an expensive car park (if you can find a space), catch an extortionate taxi, or take your chances on an Aircoach as it follows it’s latest ludicrous route (Never however to a central hub.) Our ostensibly business-oriented government still hasn’t managed to sort out such a basic requirement for a modern city. We should all I suppose cycle home.